Ash Wednesday Liturgy Service
At Sacred Heart School, we remembered Jesus’ sacrifice for us by placing ashes on our forehead. Year 6 pupils performed an amazing and inspirational liturgical dance that captivated everyone.
Classroom Collective Worship
This week’s classroom liturgy based on the theme ‘Care’ and we praised God for giving us loving families and friends. We have also started planning the liturgies on our own in Year 5 and Year 6.
Advent Liturgy Week Three
For the final Liturgy of this year, we decided to have a carol singing collective worship. The children gathered in the hall forming an arc while facing a Christmas tree and a fireplace. We sang melodiously and prepared ourselves for the coming of our Lord.
Advent Liturgy Week Two
We celebrated the second week of Advent, Peace. We started off by lighting the second Advent Candle while singing the song “Light the advent candle two.” We gave thanks to God for all the wonderful things that he has done for us. We ended with the sign of peace to convey our love and friendship to one another.
Advent Liturgy Week one
We started the first week of Advent, Hope. We thought about doing something special this advent, to celebrate the birth of our Lord and make it more meaningful.
Whole School Advent Mass
We celebrated the first week of Advent by having a whole school mass. All Key Stage 2 pupils gathered at Sacred Heart Church for an amazing ceremony.
In School Liturgy today, Mrs Hayles (along with Year 6) led the school in a decade of the Rosary and then we learnt how to pray the Hail Mary in sign language.
Homelessness Liturgy
We had a homelessness Liturgy on Wednesday, 09/10/2019. The Chaplains planned and prepared the liturgy alongside Mrs. Noronha and Mrs. Colaco. we learnt how to include and care for others in our community.
Whole School Mass
Harvest Thanksgiving Liturgy
We would like to thank all the parents and children for bringing in plenty of food for the Harvest Liturgy. The food items were sent to the’ Leicester South Foodbank’ in Wigston.