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Sacred Heart Choir Sing at the Rite of Election Mass, St. Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham
Leicester Cathedral Choir children: we are very proud of them!
To celebrate the Feast day, the children dressed in blue and raised money for The Catholic Life Hardship Fund.
Whole School Mass: Epiphany
We attended a beautiful celebration to commemorate the Feast of the Epiphany on the 10th of January 2020. The mass was celebrate by Rev. Fr. Lally and Rev. Decon Bill, who went on to explain the three special gifts that Jesus received from the three wise men, especially Frankincense.
Carol Singing Liturgy:
We gathered in the hall on Wednesday, 18 of December to celebrate the last liturgy of the year. We sang beautifully and listened to the Gospel readings as we prepared ourselves for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bible Presentation:
Bible presentation to children in Foundation 2: On Monday, 25th November, Rev. Deacon Bill Myers presented the Bibles given by the Diocese of Nottingham to our F2 children.
We had a Harvest thanksgiving liturgy on the 20th of November to give thanks for the enormous food items collected during October and November. The food items were donated to the Leicester South Foodbank in Wigston.
We celebrated mass on the first Friday of every month. Fr. Lally came into school to celebrate the mass along with the Chaplains, other pupils and Mrs. Cefai. We gathered in the Chapel and celebrated “All Saints Day,” together.
Homelessness Liturgy was celebrated to remember and pray for all the people who are homeless and poor within Leicester and around the world. the liturgy was lead by the chaplaincy team.
Lent Day
On Friday 12th of April, our Chaplaincy team led the school in our Lenten Liturgy. Each class was given a station of the cross to concentrate on over the day and then we came together to pray at the end of the day. Father Lally and Deacon Bill joined us and it made for a very special, prayerful end to the term.
St. Thomas Aquinas Trust Feast Day
The student Chaplaincy team and Yew class represented our school on the Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas. Students from all the 22 schools within our new CMAT were present. Bishop Patrick commissioned all the Chaplains present. We all had a great day learning new songs, interacting with students and staff from other schools and encountering God. The theme for the day was ‘The Spirit working in our schools’.