Key stage 1 Curriculum Plans

Our English learning is all based around quality texts……


KS1 English Texts 24.25

KS1 English And Wider Curriculum Intent 24.25

KS1 Whole Year Curriculum Overview 24.25


Our Math learning in Year 1 follows white rose math learning:

Year 1 And 2 Maths Overview 24 25

Key dates:

Thursday 29th August – School Opens for Autumn Term 1.

Home work for this half term.

Each half term we send home work that the children can complete if they would like to. This supports their learning in class. Please send any work in to school on paper or take photos and email them to our class emails. We love to see what the children have been learning at home as well as at school.

Below is our home work guide for Autumn 1 term.

Learning Phonics is a huge part of learning in Foundation and Year 1. Please read daily to help your child learn and revise. The children will be learning new sounds through the year and the more they practise the more confident they will become.

Phonics phase 2 sounds

Phonics phase 3 sounds


In Year 1 we have a Maths focus on place value to 10 and addition and subtraction. Regular practise helps the children become fluent and confident which will then support them as they build their Maths knowledge through the school. Please see below for ways to support your child at home.

Autumn 1 Year 1 And 2 Homework Overview

KSI Music

In music we listened to a range of different sounds animals make. We discussed the different tempo and dynamics we could here. We then used some musical instruments to recreate some music to represent each animal. We listened to a piece of music using the flute and marimba. We created some short rhythms as a class and then in small groups.

we listened to a piece of music and joined in with ‘calling and responding’ to words in the music. We listened to a piece of music called ‘che che kule’. It is a traditional song from Ghana. We enjoyed listening to the different words and had a practise of the different words we can hear in the song. We then practised the song using actions to help us remember. We then practised using ‘call and response’ to learn the whole song together.


Reconciliation service Decemeber 2023

We attented a whole school Reconciliation service at Sacred Heart Church. We took some of our work from our R.E lessons to represent to Father David. Father David spoke to us about the nativity and we joined in singing one of our Christmas songs.

Fire assembly

Year 1 have learning all about fire safety. We had an assembly where someone from the fire service came to show us how to be safe. We interacted with a story and showed ways we can keep ourselves safe. We got up and active and learned the STOP.DROP.ROLL protocol if there ever was a fire. We also learned about road safety and how to keep ourselves safe in a car.

Poetry in English

In English we have been reciting some poetry together. We looked at ‘rhyming pairs’ in the poetry and created our very own ending to a class poem. We then performed our own poems to everyone in the class! We evaluated our performances to see how we culd improve for next time.

Merry Christmas 2023!!

Thank you to all parents and carers who came to watch our KS1 Christmas performance. The children worked so hard to remember thier lines and words. We all had fun practising and leanring together.

We all went to our end of year trip to Mini meadows farm. The children really enjoyed feeding animals and and learning about the different food they can eat. Children had fun together in the sandplay area and got involved with an animal experience. Children were so well behaved and we are proud of how well they got involved.